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  • AKC Breed Popularity: Ranks 67 of 197

  • Height: 23.27 inches (male), 23-26 inches (female)

  • Weight: 110 pounds & up (male), 99 pounds & up (female)

  • Life Expectancy: 5-8 years, however some live up to 12 years. I currently have one that is nine and one that is 10

  • Group: Working Group


Dogue de Bordeaux is an immensely powerful mastiff-type guardian. The body is stocky and close to the ground, but Dogues can move like lions when duty calls.


The DDB is an excellent companion, deeply devoted to his family of all ages. He also has a protective instinct and guards his family with courage. They are calm, affectionate, sensitive, docile and steady.  Beware, DDBs can be stubborn and will dominate those who fail to apply firm training in puppy hood. Socialization and patient positive training are a must. Start early—it's easier to train a puppy than a DDB who may be bigger (and certainly stronger) than you are.


Socialization and early obedience training are an absolute must. The Dogue de Bordeaux is a sensitive breed who requires trust, and a rough trainer or heavy-handed approach should be avoided. Discipline should be firm and consistent without being harsh; ownership of the breed is not for the timid or the very busy person.


They drool. No, they really, really drool! Anyone who lives with a Dogue de Bordeaux quickly becomes familiar with strings of drool covering furniture, floors and walls. But to know him is to love him, drool and all.


The wrinkles on their facial area need special attention at least weekly, sometimes daily, to see that they are kept clean and dry. At least once a week it’s also important to clean the ears and check for debris or signs of infection. Nails should be trimmed monthly.


To avoid strain on developing bones and joints, the young Bordeaux should be limited to low-impact exercise until at least 18 months of age. They should not be overexerted and should not be allowed to run up and down stairs or jump off of surfaces higher than their back. Swimming is an excellent exercise for Bordeaux of any age. An older Bordeaux can work more strenuously, including doing jobs such as pulling carts.


Bloat, or gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), is a serious concern in the Dogue de Bordeaux. Owners should educate themselves to recognize the signs that bloat could be happening, and know what actions to take if so. Heart disease, cancer, orthopedic issues (such as hips and elbows), and epilepsy are also issues of concern in the breed.

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